Today I Learned #02Permalink
What is SSO?Permalink
“Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication solution that allows users to log in to multiple applications and websites with one-time user authentication. Given that users today frequently access applications directly from their browsers, organizations are prioritizing access management strategies that improve both security and the user experience. SSO delivers both aspects, as users can access all password-protected resources without repeated logins once their identity is validated.”
Using SSO is a very secure way to authenticate applications. It’s much more secure than traditional methods, such as one username and password per application, and it brings many benefits to enterprise user management and system integration. I won’t explain in detail how it works or how to configure it, you can find lots of good information from experts, such as this post from Okta,
AWS with SSOPermalink
In the company I work for, we use AWS, which is integrated with our user platform, and the connection to that is through SSO.
So to use aws-cli
, I need to authenticate with SSO first and then use the cli as it should be used. However, since I no longer have a static .aws/credentials
, some commands need to be changed a bit to work properly.
Login with SSO on aws-cliPermalink
aws sso login --profile <PROFILE_NAME>
To start the authentication process, use the aws-cli
command. This command will open the browser and you’ll need to log in with your online user platform and then authorize the process to get the credentials in cli. Once authorized, the credentials are specified as ENV _VARIABLES
After that, you can execute commands normally in aws-cli
. However, some commands require reading credentials from your computer, such as ecr login
If you simply try to log in with the regular command, it won’t work.
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
It will fail with this:
Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure".
The command fails because it cannot find the AWS credentials in the default .aws/credentials
location. This can be fixed by passing the profile name as ENV _VARIABLE before the command: AWS_PROFILE=<PROFILE_NAME>
AWS_PROFILE=<PROFILE_NAME> aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Login Succeeded
From now on, if the command does not get authentication, try to show to aws-cli
which profile you want to use.